How to Give to Destination Impact
Journey-goers have the opportunity to give to Destination Impact each week during worship services at 9:30 and 11am. Be sure to indicate on your check, "Destination Impact".
Make it easy on yourself by giving online. It's fast and simple - please select "Destination Impact" as the designation.
If you would like to mail your Destination Impact contribution, please send to:
Journey Bible Fellowship
c/o Destination Impact
3429 Journey Parkway
Leander, TX 78641
Please indicate "Destination Impact" on your check.
Click here to give to Destination Impact
Your generosity continues to fuel our mission.
Including The Journey in your estate plan is a simple, yet powerful, way to give to God's Kingdom. When you make a planned gift—of any size—you help fuel The Journey mission.
3429 Journey Parkway, Leander, TX 78641